

它是20世纪30年代初发展起来的一门新兴学科,其主要目的是在决策时为管理人员提供科学依据。是实现有效管理、正确决策和现代化管理的重要方法之一。运筹学经常用于解决现实生活中的复杂问题,特别是改善或优化现有系统的效率。 研究运筹学的基础知识包括实分析、矩阵论、随机过程、离散数学和算法基础等。而在应用方面,多与仓储、物流、算法等领域相关。因此运筹学与应用数学、工业工程、计算机科学、经济管理等相关专业。
operational research is an important professional basic course of modern management. it is a cross-field study of applied mathematics and formal science. it uses statistics, mathematical models, and algorithms to find the best or approximately best solutions to complex problems.
it is an emerging discipline developed in the early 1930s, and its main purpose is to provide a scientific basis for managers when making decisions. it is one of the important methods to realize effective management, correct decision-making and modern management. operations research is often used to solve complex problems in real life, especially to improve or optimize the efficiency of existing systems. the basic knowledge of operations research includes real analysis, matrix theory, stochastic process, discrete mathematics and algorithm foundation. in terms of applications, it is mostly related to warehousing, logistics, and algorithms. therefore, operations research and applied mathematics, industrial engineering, computer science, economic management and other related majors.
operational research mainly studies the problems related to planning and management that can be expressed in quantities in economic activities and military activities. of course, with the development of objective reality, many aspects of operations research not only study economic and military activities, but some have gone deep into daily life. operations research can obtain various results through mathematical analysis and calculations according to the requirements of the problem, and finally propose comprehensive and reasonable arrangements to achieve the best results.
as a discipline used to solve practical problems, operations research generally has the following steps when dealing with diverse problems: determining goals, formulating plans, establishing models, and formulating solutions.
although it is unlikely that there will be operations research that can handle a wide range of objects, some abstract models have been formed during the development of operations research and can be applied to solve a wide range of practical problems.
with the development of science and technology and productivity, operations research has penetrated into many fields and is playing an increasingly important role. operational research itself is also constantly developing, covering linear programming, nonlinear programming, integer programming, combinatorial programming, graph theory, network flow, decision analysis, queuing theory, reliability mathematical theory, inventory theory, game theory, search theory, simulation, etc. branch.
operational research has a wide range of applications, and it has penetrated into various aspects such as service, search, population, confrontation, control, timetable, resource allocation, plant location, energy, design, production, reliability, etc.
operational research is a subject with greater "hardness" in soft science, and it is a basic theory and indispensable method, means and tool in systems engineering and modern management science. operations research has been applied to various management projects and plays an important role in modernization.
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